Friday, January 7, 2011

These are some picture's i drew.... i know they have little sentences
on them i dont know why but they are really mine. some times i put them on google so people can see my drawings and come to this site. ( MY WEBSITE ) thank you for looking!!! (:
I would like to say some words for joinng this blog. I am very surpised and excited also happy for you people to like my art and painting's. i am learning how to do sculpter's. I have been teaching art for many years now and i had been teaching young children, teenager's, and adult's. I have through all my schools and i am finishing high school. i had good grades in classes but in art i alway had the highest grade. i am not trying to show off lol but, i just love seeing art and making art. But thank you for looking at my art and enjoying it thank you!!!